Monday, July 27, 2009

First Donation!

I have to just add this, I just got my first official online donation and am so excited! $100 down and $2400 to go. Thank you, Tom!

Donate Online!

I bet you were thinking, hey, this blog is great, but I would love to be able to know how to donate online. Well, problem solved. My firstgiving (online donation) site is all set up and ready to go! Donating is literally a click away. Please visit to support National Stroke Association and help me meet my $2500 fundraising goal!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

100 Days to NYC Marathon

On the morning of November 1, 2009, I, along with 59, 999 other individuals, will get up nauseatingly early, attach a chip to my shoe, and run 26.2 miles through New York City. Of these 60,000 people, there will be confident athletes who have done this before and nervous individuals regretting their decision. There are those running for a personal best and others just hoping to finish. Some will run because they are good at this sport while the rest are good sports, running to support a cause they care about. Whatever their reason, they're running and I have chosen to join them. That is correct, I will be running (hopefully) a full marathon (26.2 miles, incase we forgot) in less than 100 days from now and I will let you decide what category (personal best vs finishing, etc) I fit into.

Is 100 days long enough to train for a marathon? Well, I hope so! I've had my month vacation from running and am ready to get back to it. This time, however, I will be running for a cause other than myself. I am putting one foot in front of the other, at a pace hopefully faster than walking, for 26.2 miles (trying to get myself used to that number) in an effort to raise awareness of and funds for stroke. During my year of working at National Stroke Association, I have talked with countless caregivers and met many stroke survivors. I am convinced that if they have the courage and strength to live with stroke, I can have the courage and strength to run this distance.

This blog is not only an outlet to talk about my training when my roommates don't want to hear anymore about it but is also a way for me to keep accountable and include you in my journey. I won't be able to do it without your support (emotional and financial, hint hint-donate!). I hope you not only learn about stroke but that you enjoy reading about this slightly irrational decision.